
Managing Stress and other Behavioural Issues in Classrooms

Date : 01 September, 2021

Virtual Classroom situations have evolved in these challenging times. With lack or absence of physical activities, peer group and school staff, our learners are in great duress. They need the helping hand of our teachers and counsellors.

Proactive assistance is a support strategy in which an instructor anticipates behavioural issues in the classroom, and formulates supportive remedies to offset the detrimental effects of behavioural changes caused by stress.

Behavioural problems in the classroom increase stress levels, disrupt the flow of classes, and interfere with the learning process. Hence it is critical to determine the root cause of a child's conduct. If all efforts at mitigating the source of a child’s misconduct fail due to extraneous factors, it becomes extremely important to provide proactive support to such learners under stress. Merely focusing efforts on disruptive individuals in the classroom, does not solve the overall classroom behaviour problems.

Instead of dealing with disruptions after they occur, it is worthwhile to create conducive conditions that make them less likely to occur. This is why providing proactive support to students is important

Create Learning Environments That Encourage Creativity

In order to create a learning space that promotes creativity, one must first optimize classroom seating. For instance, pupils who choose their own seats are three times more likely to be disruptive than those who have seats assigned to them. But that doesn’t mean that choice is a bad thing. Allowing students to choose and have a sense of ownership can also be extremely rewarding. Just ensure that the freedom to choose is followed by clear expectations for acceptable behaviour.

In order to create a learning space that promotes creativity, one must first optimize classroom seating. For instance, pupils who choose their own seats are three times more likely to be disruptive than those who have seats assigned to them. But that doesn’t mean that choice is a bad thing. Allowing students to choose and have a sense of ownership can also be extremely rewarding. Just ensure that the freedom to choose is followed by clear expectations for acceptable behaviour.

Integrate Physical Activity into the School Day

Regular physical education classes not only assist in the growth and development of pupils, but physical movement may also considerably reduce overall classroom stress levels. Even something as simple as taking the class outside for a short walk can drastically reduce anxiety in youngsters.

Avoid using the word DON’T

Students are more likely to adhere to the directions that provide clear explanations and reasons for the same, according to research. Instead of saying, don’t do so and so, try to explain why they shouldn’t do so and you’ll see the change in reception and behaviour almost instantaneously.

Acknowledge and Praise Student Effort

Praise the conduct you wish to reinforce. It may be more beneficial to proactively acknowledge positive behaviour and overlook minor disruptions rather than penalizing or disciplining students for every disturbance. You can recognize a student’s effort by giving them a star/sticker for their efforts or using simple words of affirmation such as “I'm proud of the way you worked today.”

Additional Tips for Managing Stress in the Classroom

  1. Teach meditation and mindfulness
  2. Set clear expectations for students
  3. Explain the reason behind the rules
  4. Be consistent in applying the rules
  5. Allow humour and laughter in the classroom
  6. Follow a predictable and consistent routine
  7. Engage creativity through double doodling art, zentangle patterns, and colouring activities

When it comes to learning, stress can be the ultimate disruption. This is exactly why instructors must proactively demonstrate faith in your students, foster trust and respect in the classroom and you too can remove the impediments to the learning curve.

Article by : Pratibha. K.S
Teacher, Tattva School