
Let Every Day Be Teachers’ Day

Date : 06 September, 2021

The Education Commission (1964-66) professed that, “The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms”.

When teachers hold the responsibility of this onerous task then it is time that we invest in capacity building of teachers through stronger teacher training programmes. Educationists across the globe have propounded the need for a robust teacher-training programme, a programme that helps aspiring teachers to equip themselves as per the changing needs of the 21st century learners, a learner who should have knowledge , skills, values and the right mindset.

NEP 2020 clearly articulates that problem-solving and critical thinking skills need to be developed in the young learners, as these will help them prepare for life and an uncertain future. The question then is that are our teachers aware of the strategies and practices that will ascertain development of these skills.

One thing that the teachers have proved in the last 18 months is that they can adapt and innovate. They can overcome personal and technical challenges and ensure that “learning never stops” for the learners under their care. They undoubtedly have the ability to “lead the change”.

The government agencies have surely shown an intent towards changing the existing teacher-training curriculum and better preparing the aspiring teachers. But what about the teachers who are already teaching in schools? What do we about them? Do we wait for the agencies to think, plan and implement? Definitely not!

As the Academic Head of Ryan Edunation, an organisation that delivers excellence in school management, it filled my heart with pride and a sense of achievement when I read the NEP Document especially the section that focuses on the need for training teachers.

Professional Development of teachers is an ongoing process at our schools. We do realise the complexity of the teaching profession. During an academic session, an educator faces challenges and changes in subject content, new instructional methods, advances in technology, dynamic student learning needs, classroom management, test preparation, administration, parent relations, and interactions with peers. Evidently, with such a myriad of expectations, professional development can only be missed at the cost of student learning.

We allocate significant number of days before the commencement of an academic session to train teachers in pedagogical practices, programmes and processes that enable them to plan and deliver better. Our pedagogical trainings aim at updating teachers on latest pedagogical practices in India and the world, ensuring that teachers maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills , demonstrate awareness of the changing trends and directions in Pedagogy and keep teachers interested and interesting.

Acknowledging the fact that training needs to be an ongoing process, multiple refresher sessions, both individual and group, are conducted to support the teachers. Teachers get an opportunity to interact, share and discuss. The process of monitoring effective implementation of learning and sharing constructive feedback goes a long way in impacting the learning experience of the students, resulting in better learner outcomes.

Educators need to communicate with various stakeholders and during the interactions they need to be effective as well as empathetic and conduct themselves as role models. Therefore, along with subject expertise and pedagogy, there is need to equip teachers with skills that will help them manage the demands of a challenging job. Our Self-Management courses are a step towards that endeavour.

So, as we celebrate Teachers Day, let us remember that teachers are the change agents and the ones who impact, inspire and transform and we need to invest in them!

Editor: Nidhi Thapar, VP - Head Academics, Ryan Edunation.